Frequently asked questions
Is the team open to anyone?
Any full-time student of the Ohio State University, graduate or undergraduate may try out. Don't hesitate to get in touch with a coach with any questions about the tryout process!
I missed the tryout period. Am I too late to walk on?
Contact our coaches or fill out our recruitment form. We accept walk-ons throughout the year.
Is this a varsity sport?
Ohio State Crew is the only opportunity for men’s rowing on campus. Although technically we are a club sport, men’s rowing is not an NCAA-sanctioned sport, so the highest level of rowing at most universities is in fact club rowing. (The Ivy League being the main exception.)
On the other hand, women’s rowing is an NCAA-sanctioned sport, so at such a large university, we are one of two options for women at Ohio State. Both programs strive for excellence, and both are nationally competitive and travel across the United States for regattas.
We consider ourselves to be student-athletes, and are treated as such, and we represent the Buckeyes on a national level, so our team operates similarly to a varsity program.
Do you race other schools?
Yes! We get approximately 20 days of racing in throughout the year. We take on other club programs as well as varsity teams, facing off against schools such as Columbia University, Vanderbilt University, Michigan State University, Purdue University, Grand Valley State University, the University of Virginia, TTUN, and more!
What is the time commitment?
We practice daily, Monday through Saturday throughout the year, for about an hour and a half a day. We train from August through May with periodic breaks. With over 70% of the team in STEM majors, we focus on school first and always strive to succeed in class and on the water!
How many times do you practice a day?
We generally practice once per day. Attendance is mandatory at all practices. Novices practice in the afternoon and varsity in the mornings.
Will I have to miss class?
As student-athletes, classes are always the priority. Practice will never interfere with classes, though if you are a novice, we ask that 4:30 - 8:00 pm be blocked off in your schedule for practice. We have 2-3 travel days per year where class is missed for racing. The University excuses these days as sanctioned club events, and you can make up all work upon providing professors with an official issued excuse notice.
what if I don’t know how to row?
Every year we take walk-ons with no prior rowing experience. Walk-ons are key to building fast boats, and our coaches will get you race-ready in just a few short weeks! Again, no rowing experience is required, just the willingness to learn a new sport and the competitive drive to win races and beat Michigan!
Are there membership dues?
As a student organization, the team receives minimal funding from the university. As a result, athletes are charged membership dues. Dues cover all costs of the team, including travel, lodging, equipment, and coaching. We maintain several fundraisers to try to keep member dues as low as possible. However, we firmly believe money should not be the reason you choose not to row. Members are encouraged to talk to our Vice President of Budgeting and Accounts Officer if money is an issue but still want to row.