Now Recruiting Athletes
〰️ No Experience Necessary 〰️
Now Recruiting Athletes 〰️ No Experience Necessary 〰️
Fill out the recruitment form below to tell us about yourself or email joinosucrew@gmail.com
Never Rowed Before?
No worries! Around half of our athletes have never rowed before college and join our novice team. During fall practices, the novice teams learn the basics of rowing technique and fitness required. Practice times vary throughout the day so anyone can come according to his or her daily schedule. Novices will compete at a national level throughout the year, culminating with National Championships in May.
Rowing is a unique sport in that you can start in college, compete on a national level, and possibly join the US National Team. Most rowers on collegiate teams across the country don’t have rowing experience prior to college, and it is no different here at Ohio State Crew. Three-time World Champion, 2004 Olympic Gold Medalist, and 2008 Olympic Bronze Medalist Bryan Volpenhein got his rowing start right here at OSU with no experience. Our coaches will have you race-ready in a matter of weeks!
Rowed in High School?
Amazing! Many individuals who have rowed in high school, after a quick assessment, will be offered the chance to walk onto varsity and compete in more regattas throughout the season. Varsity rowing often has more intense workouts and a different practice time than novice. Our varsity squad is made up of high school rowers, former novice rowers, and often, previous NCAA rowers who realized our club provided a better atmosphere for the sport they love.
Currently in High School?
If you're a high school student interested in rowing and live near Powell Ohio, we highly recommend the Buckeye Rowing Club! This club offers high schoolers the opportunity to experience team rowing, especially if your school doesn't have a rowing program.
Recruitment Form
Interested in being an athlete for Ohio State Crew? Please fill out the recruiting form below and a coach or captain will be in touch with you shortly.
Want More Information?
See the FAQs. To receive more information or ask any questions please feel free to contact a coach.